Välkommen och hej (då)

Posted by on 22/12/2021
Upon New Shores
God jul!

We slept well for the first night in our new temporary beds. We tried to prepare mysli but we found out that we did not have bowls. So we ate it from drinking glasses, the modern way of eating muesli 🙂 But no worries, the receptionist provided us with bowls so this was the only time we had to take these drastic measures.

We were thinking of getting a postbox (more than 200 EUR for six months), but we were not sure if we could use that for skatteverket (probably not) and what other post would we need to receive in the first place? So for now, we decided against it.

Then we drove to the welcome center for immigrants in Lund (Lundavälkomsten) and two very kind and friendly women gave us shelter from the rain while we filled in the application form for Johannes (again, the form asked for the personnummer, but of course we did not have that yet, but it is no requirement for going to school in Sweden — it is a requirement for the free SFI foreign language courses, though, so we cannot do that yet). They told us that their chief, Camilla, already was on vacation, but would be back in January, so they would leave the application on her desk. We would be brave to come to Sweden before Christmas, heh, yeah, maybe. So Johannes would not be going to (integration) school before January 10th, but that was part of the plan.

We spent the rest of the day buying more food and toilet paper at LIDL (woohoo, going to a supermarket two days in a row where I haven’t been to one in more than a year!) and looking for houses (without success). It kind of depends on the outcome of Kathi’s job interview next week, whether we want to stay in Lund for (much) longer or proceed on further north, where the housing is more affordable. It could be a temporary solution to rent something small and cheap in Lund in the first months while we try to find a house further north. Staying at our hotel apartment for several months is too expensive.

So this is still something that needs to be resolved. Step by step.

Upon New Shores
God jul!

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