Perdu en Peru

Posted by on 13/04/2012
... and then you queue
Tales and trails from the past

I’m sad. Very sad. If you ever wanted to give me a hug and say “there, there”, now is the time.

About an hour ago, I lost my iPod Touch in a taxi in Lima. It must have slipped out of my pocket. You know, I usually double check by looking back at the seat and checking the contents of my pockets once I left the taxi. But this one forsaken time, I didn’t (only checked for my keys and knife). And of course, it was an unregistered, unofficial taxi — no way to locate it.

It’s not about the value of the gadget. It’s more about all the data on it. All my notes I took during my travels. All the email addresses. All the recommendations of places, books and music. My flash cards to learn spanish, that took me hours to enter. All gone.

No more guitar tuning or tabs & chords for my favourite songs. No more Google Maps or Topomaps. No more using any open WiFi to check for mails or use Skype in a park. No more currency conversion tools, among a lot of others. It’s not that I had been using it at least two hours a day… sigh.

No, I didn’t have a backup. Thanks to Apple for this. Because iTunes on one computer cannot backup a device that was synchronized with another one.

And it doesn’t seem like I can get a replacement soon. There is no official Apple Store in South America and according to the web reports, most of the products sold are fake. Los Angeles in July then?

Grrreeeeeaaaaat! Pitch black Friday 13th.

Ah, here’s a description what I’m going to do the next three weeks. I haven’t met my other 14 fellow travellers yet, but this is due tonight.

EDIT: You know what? My mobile phone is gone too. It might have been stolen or I lost it somewhere (I can’t imagine how, though). But the fact is, I no longer am in possession of it. I am really down to low-tech now. This is going down-hill, isn’t it?

... and then you queue
Tales and trails from the past

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